Dear readers,
So who am I, I am first and for most a mum to two beautiful boys under the age of 11, a business owner, a FIFO worker, a partner, a charity founder/worker and the list goes on… As you can see my life is hectic, full on and I didn’t even add the friends, grocery shopping, cleaning, the normal everyday aspects of life.
I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years now, I am a PT myself and a coach to 1000s across the World. I have always wanted to compete.. WHY? NO, Not to win a trophy that wasn’t my reason, my reason was standing up on stage half naked in heals scared the absolute shit out of me and I wanted to feel that fear, embrace that fear and get rid of that fear.
I have had many coaches and many failed attempts to stay on track enough to compete. I went to Summer in 2015 and said I wanted to compete, and I’ll be honest “we all want to compete right” really we just want that body that those dam girls have lol… So I started my journey with Summer as my coach, on a fixed diet, the flexible macro diet does not work for me, I hired a coach to tell me what to do, not to make my own decisions haha.. I checked in every week, measurements and photos.. After 8 weeks the scales had moved a little but it didn’t seem enough for what I wanted “we all want that quick result right”? 10kg boom fat be gone lol but no I think I lost maybe 4kg and I was going to give up. My friend said hung on yes you have let me put your first photo and your last photo together and compare your measurements. WOW there was a massive difference! So this gave me the confidence to continue..
4 Weeks out from comp and Summer said to me have you got your bikini and heals I said no, she said babe what are you doing, you are getting on stage! If not now when? You’re getting on THAT stage.. See the thing is I seriously didn’t think I was actually going to get on stage, I just wanted to say im going to compete, but I didn’t believe in ME enough to actually get on stage, where she did… And I’ll be honest It did not hit me until I started walking up those stairs and started to walk onto that stage and thought SHIT I need to remember these poses now hahahaha!!
Why did I choose Summer? I will tell you why.. For the empire that her and Tracey Kaye have brought together TEAM PEACH see I’m not a girlie girl in fact I have hardly any girlfriends, and girls seriously scare me, so I have made my career around a male dominated world had two boys everything male like.. What they bring to this industry is something no other team, coach, people are doing they bring TEAM PEACH a team of wonderful girls who support, uplift, encourage, love each other a 0 policy to bitching and nasty stuff, in fact if you’re a nasty girl you wouldn’t last two seconds in this team. They bring the feel goods to the industry and I am forever proud, grateful and blessed to be a part of TEAM PEACH I wear my Top with pride and I couldn’t have been happier than to compete under the TEAM PEACH banner.
I owe my confidence, the best body ive ever had, and a team of friends ill forever have thanks to Summer and Tracey for that!
Oh yeah the important bit I lost 20kg and 30 cm across my waist J If I can do it so can you, and with summer on your side and her team you can absolutely achieve anything! I could not recommend her highly enough! I owe so much to her and her empire, thank you summer from the bottom of my heart to the top! Thank you.
Kirsty, WA